Birgit Kratzheller: TASTY BUDS – Biotop: Die Gräfte
Portrait of a landscape. Food-Installation Gutshof Holzhausen, Nieheim, Germany, 2011.
Ten structures made of willow twigs are hanging from the ceiling . The strong branches are tied together with flexible thin rods. The material and the type of knot with a particular node pastures are reminiscent for the typical regional ‚Flechthecken‘ from hazel and willow branches, a traditional element of the rural landscape around Nieheim.
The shape of the buds is determined by round wooden panels that bend the rods under tension.
Each of these ten „buds“ is dedicated to a particular part of the estate or its surrounding landscape. For each of the slabs or „taste pallets“ 3-5 edible plants and wild herbs were collected from ten diffenert places and were processed to edible compositions. Round charcoal lettering under the floating structures refer to the places of origin of the herbal ingredients: „The Rose Pond,“ „The moat“, „The castle meadow“, „The Orchard“, „The vegetable garden“, „Stables pastures“, „Fields & arable herbs“, „The edge of the forest“ and „The Forest“. From the botanical finds, I developed recipes to capture the tastes of the typical local biotopes.
After an explanatory guide and a brief consideration of the installation has been released for ‚taste reception ‚ and was eaten by the 150 observers .
Tags:biotope, enviromental art, food-installation, site-specific installation