CV art in public space
2011 ‚WALL-WAVES‘. Playscape made of recycled demolition materials.
German-Swiss International School, Accra, Ghana.
2010 ‚PLAY SCAPES ‚. Concept for playgrounds made of recycled materials in Efua Sutherland Children‘s Park, Accra. First prize for a reuse concept of recycelt demolition materials from the building plot for the new building of the World Bank in Accra, Ghana.
2006 ‚SPEED LINES’. A Park for skaters. 2nd prize in the design competition for a skate park in Dresden, Germany. Landscape architects: Elisabeth Lesche and Christian Henke (el: ch landscapers) Artist: Birgit Kratzheller (Unrealized)
Courtyard design on the history of medieval bathing houses and traditional herbal medicine.
Badergasse, Mainz, Germany.
2000 ‚ZEITZEICHEN‘/‚ TIME TOKENS‘. Sculptural landscape on the metaphors of time as a circle, course line and point sequence. Design for the Greenery of the Jugendwerk St. Joseph in Landau, Germany.
2000 ‚WIND-WIEGE’ / ‚WIND-CRADLE‘. Climbable outdoor sculpture. A contribution to the Nieheim-Art-Trail. Beech wood forest on the Holster Mountain near Holzhausen, Nieheim, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
1999 ‚SPIRALE‘ / ‚SPIRAL‘ . Space design and playable outdoor sculpture.
Rochusstrasse, Mainz, Germany.
1998 ‚DRACHENWEG’ / ‚DRAGON PATH‘. Earth-modulation and plantings of edible aromatic herbs, crops and fruits. Design of the outdoor facilities of the Primary School Sprendlingen, Germany.
1994 ‚FORUM UND SPIEL-OBJEKT‘. Courtyard Design for the Primary School Laubenheim, Germany.
1993 ‚GESPRAECH DER ZEHN ZIFFERN‘ / ‚CONVERSATION OF THE TEN DIGITS‘. Square design on the theme ‚From analog to digital‘ for the Telecom Administration Building, Mainz, Germany.
1992 ‚EVA390- Labyrinth im Maisfeld’ / EVA390 – Labyrinth in a cornfield’. Staging of a landscape on a field near Hagen-Wittsted, Germany.
Artistic design: Birgit Kratzheller. Direction / idea: Jens-Erwin Siemssen.